Bruce Allardice Modified: Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2016

Baseball Books and Articles

Scandal on the South Side: The 1919 Chicago White Sox

Edited by Jacob Pomerenke, Scandal on the South Side is the definitive history of the 1919 Chicago White Sox, the notorious "Black Sox" who conspired with gamblers to throw the World Series. Professor Allardice authored a chapter in this book, a biography of Sox pitcher Win Noyes.


"'Runs, Runs, Runs. Baseball 1866-1870. By the Numbers." The Baseball Research Journal, Fall 2021. Winner of the SABR/McFarland Award for best baseball history article of 2021
"'Baseball 1858-1865. By the Numbers." The Baseball Research Journal, Spring 2020.
"'Playing Rotten, It Ain't That Hard to Do.' How the Black Sox Threw the 1920 Pennant." The Baseball Research Journal, Spring 2016.

Richmond Virginias Team Ownership History, online at SABR website:
"'A totally glorious, exhilarating game': Baseball's Emergence as the National Pastime" Base Ball (2016).
Expelled by a Unanimous Vote: The Curious Saga of Dr. A.T. Pearsall. Base Ball, Sept. 2011.
The Inauguration of This Noble and Manly Game Among Us, Base Ball (Fall 2012). Winner of the SABR/McFarland Award for best baseball history article of 2012

William Edward White, Baseball Pioneer. MLBs Our Game Blog, March 4, 2024
The First Multi-Racial Baseball Game. MLBs Our Game Blog, Jan. 7, 2019
The catcher who stopped a revolution. MLBs Our Game Blog, March 24, 2014,
The evolution of baseball as one word or two. MLBs Our Game Blog, April 21, 2014

What was the First Ball Park?, SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, February 2024
How Did Baseball Spread?, SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, February 2024
Data on the Coverage of Base Ball in Early Newspapers, SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, December 2023
What was Ball-Stock?, SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, December 2023
The First Base Ball Game in Chicago, SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, December 2023
The Retreat--the Earliest Ball Grounds?, SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, December 2023
Round Town/Round Town Ball, SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, August 2023
How Central was the Elysian Field to Early Baseball? SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, January 2023
Early Baseball Grounds--The Boston Common SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, January 2023
Toward a Definition of Baseball (Part 2) SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, January 2023
Single Wicket Cricket and the Origins of Baseball's Foul Line SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, October 2022
Cricket and the Rise of Baseball SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, October 2022
"Escape fom New York"--How Baseball's Center Moved from Brooklyn to Philadelphia SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, October 2022
"Old Cat"--The (Largely) Forgotten Precursor of Baseball SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, June 2022
When Did Baseball Leave New York and Go National? SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, June 2022
Interview with Bruce Allardice SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, March 2022
Money Ball Like Stats for 1866 Club SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, March 2022
Brooklyn Rules! Statistics on the Rise of Baseball in Brooklyn SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, December 2021
Baseball's Geographic Spread Through 1870--By the Numbers SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, December 2021
Peanuts, but no Cracker Jack: Explorations into the Early History of Food at Baseball Games, SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, September 2021
Towards a Definition of Baseball, SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, September 2021
Old Team Nicknames, SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, May 2021
Baseball's French Origins, SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, May 2021
Rounders--Baseball's True Origins? SABR Origins of Baseball Committee Newsletter, February 2021
First Black MLB Player Buried near Chicago SABR Chicago Chapter Newsletter, May 2023
Baseball Has a Long History in Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Historical Society Newsletter, June 2024
A Page Out of History: Downers Grove's Baseball History, Downers Grove Magazine, May 12, 2024
The Black Sox Witness Who Didn't Testify. SABR Dead Ball Era Newsletter, Summer 2019
Troy Triumphs? A New Look at MLB Franchises and City Population, 1876-80. SABR Business of Baseball Newsletter, Dec. 2021
The Chicago White Stockings of 1876: Baseball's Most Profitable Club. SABR Business of Baseball Newsletter, Dec. 2019
Baseball's War Against Throwing Games: The Evolution of the Rules, Nineteenth Century Notes, Spring 2020

White Sox Sweep Reds--in spring training, that is SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (June 2024)
Comiskey's Bloodhound: J. R. Hunter SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (December 2023)
1920s White Sox: the ultimate rebuilding project SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (December 2022)
Comiskey's Options in 1920 Ranged from Bad to Worse SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (June 2021)
It's tough when you can't trust the man beside you: Shano Collins tells all about the Black Sox SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (June 2020)
Photos of Abe Attell's Roomate Surface SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (June 2020)
Could the Black Sox Scandal Happen Today? SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (June 2020)
Judge Landis and Baseball's Ban Hammer SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (Dec. 2019)
Collyers Eye Digitalized, Now Available Online SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (June 2019)
New Evidence of White Sox Throwing Games in 1920 SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (June 2019)
Twelve Men Out: The Jurors of the Black Sox Trial SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (June 2018)
A. Morgan Frumberg: The Most Effective Black Sox Defense Attorney SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (June 2018)
The 1919 Series and the Dog That Did Not Cry in the Night SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (June 2017)
Abe Attel's roomates SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (June 2017)
Collyer's Eye ace Investigator "Frank O. Klein": Who was he? SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (Dec. 2016)
Undiscovered 1946 series by Collyer's Eye reporter "Aurelius" reveals new details of scandal SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (Dec. 2016)
The IRS vs. the Black Sox: a case study SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (Dec. 2016)
Shea Stadium's Connection to the Black Sox Scandal SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (Dec. 2016)
The Greatest Team Ever? The 1919 Chicago White Sox SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (Dec. 2015)
Why the Black Sox Lost in 1920 an Analysis SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (Dec. 2015)
Something Phony About it all: Tris Speaker Covers the 1919 World Series SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (June 2015)
The Witness Who Never Testified: Val O'Farrell SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (June 2015)
Fixers from the Steel City? The Black Sox's Pittsburgh Connection SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (June 2015)
$5,000 in a Dirty Envelope: The Economics of the 1919 Black Sox Bribery SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (June 2015)
The St. Louis Connection: Carl Zork and Ben Franklin SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (Dec. 2014)
The Kokomo Black Sox Gamblers, Ben and Louis Levi SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (Dec. 2014)
Sport Sullivan, Carl Mays and the Black Sox Scandal SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (Dec. 2014)
A Potpourri of Black Sox Bettors and Witnesses SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (Dec. 2014)
Rachie Brown: a Black Sox Mystery Man SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (June 2014)
Nat Evans: The Early Years SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (June 2014)
"Out of the Shadows." Joseph J. 'Sport' Sullivan SABR Black Sox Committee Newsletter (June 2014)

Protoball Essays and Articles (at

Ballplaying in Civil War Camps
Baseball in the 40 Largest US Cities, 1870
The Spread of Base Ball, 1859 - 1870: Some New Data on the Early Diffusion of Base Ball in the United States
Bruce Allardice Find Stories, October 2013
Internet Search Tips
Preliminary IL Data on Early Base Ball
Cricket and the Rise of Baseball

SABR BioProject biographies written by Bruce Allardice, accessible at

William E. White
Rachie Brown
Nat Evans
Ben Franklin
Ted Jourdan
Ben and Lou Levi
Win Noyes
Jim Stanley
Sport Sullivan
Carl Zork

Wikipedia Articles on Norman T. Gassette, David Allen Gage, George W. Gage, Charles H. Thomas, George Herancourt